Reading Books

Do you like to read books?

  • Yes, I like reading books. I prefer to read different kinds of books, including adventurous, love stories, horror novels.
  • Honestly, I would not say I like to read books because I think it is an annoying thing. I love to listen to stories and watch movies rather than reading.

Do you ever visit the library?

Yes, I used to visit the library when I was a student. I borrowed my subject related books from there. But now it is so easy to buy paper online or even download the whole book through the Internet.

Do you prefer reading books or watching films?

  • Well, I much prefer to watch movies because It gives me visual sense and holds my attention all the time. On the other hand, reading books are very annoying to me.
  • Well, I prefer to read books because I love to imagine the story character and go somewhere else for a short time.

What was your favourite book or story when you were a child?

I read many books in my childhood some are the part of my study some I read as for interest and my favourite book is It was a story/ adventurous book. I learned that book many times. I like it so much that I keep it in my room till now.

Do you think it is essential that children read regularly?

Definitely, I think reading is an essential skill that children learn. It not only increase the knowledge but improves the communication skills and pronunciation of words also.


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